
Content Shock: What It Is and How to Dig Your Way Out

In our fast-moving digital world, the challenge for marketers is to create content that people actually want to read and share. The problem is, that everyone feels like they’re running out of ideas, with content shock being a common side effect. Brands are scrambling for new ways to produce content that their audience will want […]

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google search history news

Google Search History

Today when I opened up my Chrome browser, I noticed the notification bar at the bottom. A Journey through Google Search history. I have clicked on it to read more about it. If you haven’t seen it yet, it’s worth to spend a few minutes on it.  If you don’t have much time, here are […]

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how much is a free audit worth

How much is a free audit worth? – Valuing expert advise

Scrolling through a Facebook group I’m in, I have noticed a general query. “Marketing help needed.” I have read the post, and the comments too to have a better understanding of the query. I quickly realised that the person is really in need of a help of digital marketing, as they were not focusing much […]

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why you should write a business blog

Why You Should Write A Business Blog: 9 Reasons

A blog is a great way to show off your expertise in a field, establish yourself as the go-to expert in your industry, and share valuable information with others in your niche. If you are looking for ways to increase the visibility of your business, there are many reasons why you should start writing a […]

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Content Marketing 101

Download my eBook on Content Marketing basics. 5 easy tips to drive more traffic to your website. (Waitinglist - the book is not ready yet)

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Zoltan Tamas


The best way the get people's attention is through great content. Better to give value first, and then get rewarded for it.