Content Writing in Hungarian

“Content is the king in the world of SEO.”

You can have an unappealing site with sub-par design but if you have content that’s high quality and well-written, people will find it.

However, not everyone speaks English or even knows what is written on their website or blog. This is where translation services come in. But if you want your Hungarian visitors to be happy with your site, you’ll need to hire a Hungarian translator for your content writing needs. Here are some of the best Hungarian translators who are versed in both technical and creative writing.

Why do you need content in Hungarian?

Hungarian is one of the official languages in Hungary and has an estimated 13 million speakers worldwide. There are countless benefits to having content in Hungarian. For example, if you’re a Hungarian company with clients in the country, your content in Hungarian will be more appealing to them and also your SEO will improve because Google prefers sites that have regional content.

Different types of content writing for your website

There are three different types of content writing you could do for your website. The first is technical, where you write about anything from computers to cars. The second is creative, where you write about things like travel or fashion. And the third is a mixture of both technical and creative, typically where you’re writing about technology in fashion or computer code in cars.

Content is the king in the world of SEO. You can have an unappealing site with sub-par design but if you have content that’s high quality and well-written, people will find it. However, not everyone speaks English or even knows what is written on their website or blog. This is where translation services come in. But if you want your Hungarian visitors to be happy with your site, you’ll need to hire a Hungarian translator for your content writing needs. Here are some of the best Hungarian translators who are versed in both technical and creative writing.

How to choose the perfect translator

There are many people who claim to be translational experts these days. But, not all of them can deliver a translation that is accurate and professional.

The first thing you need to do when deciding on a translator is to check out their website. If they have a portfolio or you can see what they have written in the past, it’s a good indicator of how good their work will be for you.

It’s also important to know what types of documents they can translate. If your business needs someone who specializes in translating legal documents, then find someone who does just that! You also want to make sure that they have experience translating from Hungarian into English because this is what you’re looking for from them. This ensures that the content will make sense and be easy to read for your audience.

If you want your Hungarian visitors to enjoy your site, hire a translator who understands both languages and has experience writing content in both languages. Otherwise, it won’t make any sense at all!

How Marketing17 can help you

There are many reasons why you might need to have content written in Hungarian. You may have a target demographic who speaks Hungarian or you may have a distributor in Hungary. No matter the reason, it is important to have your website translated into another language for this demographic.

When choosing a translator, it is important to pay attention to the quality of their work.

Marketing17 is built from scratch by a Hungarian founder. Zoltan gained experience by helping Hungarian businesses with their SEO and copy-and-content writing. This is a very good way to be found online organically by the search engines. 


Zoltan profile pic

Zoltan: “I would love to help your company to reach potential customers in Hungary. I will help you to built an audience, who return to your site, and start trusting your company. Let’s work together!”

You need to think about SEO as your long-term strategy. If you need, want quick results then you need to use paid services to gain traffic for your website. It can be beneficial of course, but after some time, you will realise a free customer is always better, than the one you paid for. 

In the Hungarian market, there are of course words where you can rank quicker. It depends on the competition, and how willing are you to stay with your strategy. 

With some easier keywords, you maybe able to see improvements in 3-6 months. Look back in a year time, and you will be able to see the difference.